Accounts Payable

Content includes:

  • Accounts Payable setups and full Vendor processing including the new Bulk Request for Quotations (V10), Purchase Requisitions, Orders, GRVs and Purchase Invoices. We will also explain the New Purchase Order Approval process and setup.
  • Vendor Returns, Request for Payments as well as General Vendor Payments and Tax Payments.

Accounts Payable

Training Manual - Accounts Payable.pdf

Support Documents

SUP039 - ProcessingTaxorVATAdjustments.pdf
SUP042 - PalladiumERPIntegrationandSetup.pdf
SUP045 - AddValueInvoices-SUP045.pdf
SUP048 - Bookmarking Documents - Palladium Software.pdf
SUP087 - Purchase Order Approvals.pdf

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