General Ledger

Content includes:

  • General Ledger Account Setup including the new Segmented General Ledger to 10 Levels (Version 10) as well as General Ledger Account Security and how this is applied.
  • Process Journal Entries (including the new Customer and Vendor Journals - V10), Receipts and Payment Journals, Bank Transfer Process Deposit Slips, Bank Account Reconciliations, GL Open Item Allocations and the Subsidiary Ledger.
  • Linked Accounts, Departments and Profit Centres and when to apply each of these.
  • Generating Reports and Financial Statements.

General Ledger

General Ledger User Security

Support Documents

SUP085 - GL Open Item Allocations - Palladium Software.pdf
SUP105 - Segmented General ledger.pdf
Training Manual - General Ledger.pdf

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